Instantly data-informed

Structure and compress key insights into reports for your users

Icon Connect Database

1. Connect Database & APIs

Connect to Postgres or mySQL Databases, others (Bigquery, Redshift, APIs) coming soon.

Icon Build Report

2. Build Reports with expert commentary

Write a query and build a report with charts. Add all the context you need so that charts don't seem like rocket science to your team.

Icon Publish Report

3. Publish & Discuss Reports

Share the report with you and have discussions on the report, right in the report.

Get your Insights Across

Unlock Insights

Speed time time to Insight for your teams by using a single place to collate data requests, build narrative dashboards, clarify questions and keep data fresh

Data Requests

Collect all Data requests in a single place rather than have them scattered across different tools.

Narrative Dashboards

Merge Charts & Text to make sure you get your insights understood, leave nothing to interpretation.


Dashboards are not the end of the data journey. Everyone will have questions and comments, collect them in place, right next to the data.

Auto Refresh

Keep your insights fresh using our scheduling functions. Or provide your team the capability to manually refresh the data.

Frequently asked questions

Current BI tools don't delivery insights, they deliver charts, with no context. Context is usually shared by making a report, or on tools like Slack. This makes the job of the Data team & the Data Consumer harder.

Firstly, lets be frank, you are alerady using 2 or more tools. There is "The BI" tool, then then is Excel, and PPTs & PDFs. You are "Drowning in Data, Thirsty for Insights". We want to stream line this for you.

We will have an Open Source version out soon which you can host on premise. For the cloud version, we store minimal data, to give better performance. This may not be the answer you are looking for, but we will get there.

StitchIQ functions almost functions like a document, where you as the data team can share data and provide all the content that is needed for your teams. You can finally play "This data says..." right next to the data, and guide your users thorugh all the insights you have.

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